Individual Hellfighter chapters shall not be comprised of less than seven members.
The maximum number of members in any given chapter will be up to each chapter president.
Each chapter will have 3 elected officers and 3 appointed officers. All 6 will serve on their Board of Directors.
Elected Assigned
President Road Captain
Vice President Sergeant at Arms
Secretary/Treasury Chaplain
Duties of office holders:
President - Executes the vision God gives for their chapter. He will maintain the ministry’s focus.
Vice President - Executes presidential directives and assumes presidential responsibilities during the absence of the president.
Secretary/Treasurer - Maintains minutes of each meeting, 501C-3 annual filings, bank accounts and membership status of each member.
Road Captain- Plans and oversees every ride and decides routes, stops, etc. He is also responsible for the safety and operation of each motorcycle and the safety of each member while on the road.
Sergeant at Arms- Maintains order and discipline among all chapter members. He is also responsible for redeeming patches and membership material from un-cooperative resigning or ostracized chapter members.
Chaplain- Available to administer spiritual guidance to Hellfighter members 24/7/365.
Each Hellfighter chapter will operate as an autonomous body. Different locales and community needs will dictate the services Hellfighters will need to perform. There is no mandatory mission set out for each Hellfighter chapter. Emphasis, however, should be placed if at all possible to:
A. Encourage members in their local church and the churches in their community to be more active and more responsible in meeting the physical and spiritual needs of those in their community.
B. Mobilize Christian businessmen and professional leaders to use their profession to encourage members of their profession to be a part of Hellfighter activities by participation and with financial contributions.
C. Establish Hellfighter Leadership Councils in each of their chapter members’ churches. The youth of today are the future leaders of tomorrow and they need to know about the “other side” of life.
D. Participate in establishing a 24 hour Mission at the Cross in their town, in addition to the other 99 “sin city” selected locations across America.
Each Hellfighter Motorcycle Ministry president will set his chapters own criteria for prospecting: If they know and trust a person requesting membership, the hang around or prospecting period can be waived. Otherwise, it will be good to famarilize themselves with the person requesting membership. One bad apple will ruin the barrel.
A Large number of members is not important. The quality and commitment of each member’s stand for Christ is.
Anyone who wears our three piece patch reflects the image of all of us. Marginal Christians will not be allowed to become members unless they are willing to prove themselves before they become a true Hellfighter.
There is an annual membership fee of $50.00. An additional one time fee of $50.00 will be charged to each new member to cover the cost of a back patch, membership card and membership certificate.
Women can also be members of a Hellfighter chapter and fly our colors. If a woman is the wife of a Hellfighter chapter member, her one time membership fee is only $75.00 and covers the cost of back patch, membership card and membership certificate. Her consecutive annual fee is only $25.00. If a woman wants to join and is not married to a Hellfighter chapter member, her fee will be the same as a male member, $100.00.
Each chapter president will become a member of Hellfighters International Advisory Council. This council will meet at least one time a year and it will be mandatory to attend this meeting. It will be held in the most convenient city or evangelistic event location deemed best by our Hellfighters International board.
All Hellfighters should be bold witnesses for Jesus Christ. They must wear their colors proudly and be willing to testify boldly, pass out tracts and other evangelist material and tell, without compromise, the wonderful story of Christ’s love. Hellfighters should never embarrass Jesus Christ.
We are Hellfighters not Hell raisers. Any Hellfighter caught fighting will not be hailed as a martyr, but lamented as a fool and his colors stripped from him.